DataMover Peoplesoft PeopleTools Performance

DataMover EXPORT Performance

Some interesting statistics from some recent tests:

  • PeopleTools 8.49.28 EXPORT of a table containing 1.6 million rows (approx 1.6 GB of data): 3 hours 15 minutes
  • PeopleTools 8.53.20 IMPORT of the same data: 34 minutes
  • PeopleTools 8.53.20 EXPORT of the same table containing the identical 1.6 million rows (approx 1.6 GB of data): 24 minutes

Some background info that may be relevant:

  • 8.49 system is non-Unicode and uses CHAR()
  • 8.53 system is Unicode and uses VARCHAR() i.e. NVARCHAR()
  • The EXPORTS were done on identical VM’s in the data centre. The IMPORT was actually done “over the wire” using a drive mapping and via a client PC – I would expect much faster with a local input file and running in the data centre.

The speed difference between 8.49 and 8.53 in terms of EXPORT needs further investigation.